
The OPIc is an internet-delivered 测试 which provides valid and reliable oral proficiency 测试ing on a large scale.


It was developed in 2006 in response to the increased worldwide dem和 the 测试ing of oral language proficiency on a large scale. The computer-delivered assessment emulates the ‘live’ OPI, but delivery of prompts is through a carefully designed computer program, 通过虚拟化身, 艾娃, OPIc测试器.” This format allows the 测试 to be taken on demand, and at a time convenient to the candidate and proctor.

The goal of the OPIc is the same as the OPI: to obtain a ratable sample of speech which a rater can evaluate and compare to the ACTFL or ILR熟练度指引 为了分配一个等级. 公众谘询委员会会全面星际网赌登录公务员薪酬表, 从新手到高级, 采取, 平均, 在20到40分钟之间完成.


Official ACTFL OPIcs are currently available in the following languages: Arabic, 中文(普通话), 英语, 法国, 德国, 意大利, 日本, 朝鲜文, 普什图语, 波斯波斯语, 葡萄牙语, 俄罗斯, 西班牙语, 塔加拉族语, 和越南. 参观 ACTFL OPIc认证 页,了解如何成为OPIc认证评分员.


形式: OPIc星际网赌登录了所有的 ACTFL熟练程度指引—from Novice to Superior on five different 测试 forms. The results of the self-assessment identify the appropriate form.

  • 形式1 can provide a rating within the proficiency range of Novice Low to Intermediate Low (NL – IL).
  • 表格2 can provide a rating within the proficiency range of Novice Low to Intermediate High (NL – IH).
  • 表格3 can provide a rating within the proficiency range of Novice Low to Advanced Low (NL – AL).
  • 表格4 can provide a rating within the proficiency range of Intermediate High to Advanced High (IH – AH).
  • 表格5 can provide a rating within the proficiency range of Advanced Mid to Superior (AL – S).


OPIc评级者是 认证 via a rigorous certification process and are required to participate in 质量保证 活动,如年度校准事件, 虚拟办公时间, 基准测试活动, 以及其他重点星际网赌登录准备活动.

Certified raters holistically consider assessment factors including function, 精度, 内容/背景, and text type in order to award an integrative proficiency rating.

  • 函数: OPIc raters consider the 测试 taker’s ability to successfully fulfill the assigned tasks by using the functions outlined in the Guidelines. Are 考生 able to engage in global tasks like asking questions, 叙述, 描述, 说服或支持意见, 例如?
  • 准确性: Accuracy should be understood as how well a speaker is understood. OPIc raters consider how features such as vocabulary, 语法, 发音, 流利, 语用能力, and sociolinguistic competence affect the overall comprehensibility of the message.
  • 内容 & 上下文: An OPIc rater considers the appropriateness of a 测试 taker’s response. 回答是否切题? 它是否适合提示的上下文?
  • 文本类型: OPIc raters consider how much language a 测试 taker can produce and how well it is organized.

These assessment factors are not evaluated in isolation; a 测试 taker’s language ability is holistically evaluated based on the overall performance. A proficiency rating is awarded based on how all the factors contribute to the description of a speaker’s global proficiency.

For details, please view the OPIc Assessment Criteria below.



The ACTFL OPIc is designed to assess spontaneous unrehearsed language ability. ACTFL does not provide practice materials for this reason. 测试 takers can, however, further familiarize themselves with the 测试 format by reviewing the ACTFL OPIc熟悉指南 通过取 OPIc演示 测试. ACTFL还为以下方面提供建议 考生教育工作者.


The ACTFL OPIc is a valid and reliable assessment of speaking proficiency. externally evaluated by a number of studies since its development in 2006 (e.g. 表面,Poncheri, & Bhavsar, 2008; Surface, 2018;Thompson, Cox & 克纳普,2016). ACTFL assessments also undergo regular external reviews as part of the ACE信贷 评审过程. 欲了解更多信息,请访问参考书目 ACTFL的ACE回顾研究.